One-Time Cleaning Service
One Time Home Cleanings

Do you have a family event coming up or maybe you’re expecting out-of-town friends to stay and visit? You can count on Tampa’s premier home cleaning company, AJ Westfall Company, for one-time cleaning services.
You’ll get thorough, affordable, and effective disinfecting and sanitizing solutions that eliminate germs at the source. Our professional house cleaning pros use environmentally responsible products that help remove bacteria on contact and promote good air quality at the same time.
With our team on your side, you’ll get a top-to-bottom clean that will give you more time to spend with your loved ones.
Reasons for a One-Time Cleaning Service
Dust Builds Up Quickly
Sometimes it seems like dust accumulates in your home faster than you can get rid of it. Dust particles in the air can cause breathing issues for chronic conditions and irritate sinuses for allergy sufferers. Let our professional cleaners help you and your family breathe easier with one-time cleaning services that involve thorough dusting of all surfaces.
Hard Surfaces Look Dull, Old, and Dirty
When hard surfaces in your home start to look lackluster because of dirt, dust, or age, you need professionals to bring them back to life. Our one-time house cleaning pros are ready to make quick work of your dull-looking, old, and dingy surfaces and make them shine again.
A Buildup of Scale, Grime, and Dirt
Over time, dirt, grime, and mineral deposits can build up if you don’t give your faucets and showerheads the detailed cleaning they require. Our team can blast through those stubborn stains on everything from floors to countertops with our powerful cleaning solutions to give your home the like-new feeling it deserves.
Your Allergies Have Become More Severe
If you or your family members are consistently dealing with allergies when you’re inside your home, that could be a sign that dirt, dust, and pet dander are affecting your air quality. Our team wants to help you eliminate airborne allergens with our one-time cleaning services by scrubbing, mopping, sweeping, and dusting surfaces.
Bad Odors
If foul odors are emanating from different areas in your home, you can call us to freshen up the space. Odors in your home can come from anywhere. We make sure to use products that disinfect and make your home smell fresh and clean again.
You’re Moving In or Out of a Space
Moving into a new home or out of an old one takes a lot of planning. You have to figure out the logistics of safely moving your belongings in (or out) and ensuring the space is prepped for your arrival or ready for new residents. With years of experience, we can perform a one-time cleaning so that you have one less thing to worry about during your move.
You’re Hosting an Event
Event planning is tedious and requires you to wear several hats to prepare for guests, entertainment, catering, and an all-around good time for everyone. But you can’t have a successful event if your home isn’t cleaned properly.
You Feel Your Home is Due for a Deep Cleaning
You may not have a special event coming up or a tangible reason to clean other than it’s time for it. We want to help you get the deep cleaning you and your family deserve with our one-time cleaning service.
Let the team at AJ Westfall Company get your home clean and looking great.
Contact our cleaning team by calling 813-433-4047.